Enter Georgia Exit Indo

Wow two blogs in one day, bit much I know but I really need to catch up. Im back in Krabi, Thailand after a great couple of days on Hat Ray Lai and a really weird experience just a couple of hours ago involving a really drunk local, a boat ride , a small village, and a bamboo bong. Super-scketchy. Back to the other story.
Awoke, rushed to a train, only to find it horribly delayed...After god knows how many hours we eventually arrived in Bandung.

Its 9 at night and we have no idea where to stay or go. After much walking and deliberating in a Dunkin Donuts shop we figured out where we were and where we were going. We ended up at "Hotel Surabaya" which still holds up as the weirdest place yet. It was an Old Dutch marine barracks turned into a hotel. If the building itself wasnt weird enough, the throngs of strange loiters were.

Jakarta. Besides being a huge city, capital of Indonesia etc. is also the current residence of Matts former girlfriend who i have had to hear way, way too much about. So this was a high/low point in the trip. After questioning if we were even going to see her, we got off the train in to the chaos of Jakarta. Took a taxi to where Halim said we could find cheap residence. Unfourtunatly we looked everywhere to no avail. We were a tad peeved with each other at this point, so this definetly did not help matters.

I decided to use the mighty internet to find cheap place by the airport. Matt discovered that Goeogia did want to see him. Hooray. He called and we ran to her work place the Indo Stock Exchange (I think) while she arranged for a hotel for us, much to Matt and my dismay. He would have loved her bed and I would haved loved her couch. She ended up taking us to excatly where we came from and deceided to meet us for dinner and drinks later in the evening. We wandered and ate. Crappy curry. 7:00 pm we head back to her work where we are wisked away to a killer litte Tea House. Gemi-cha, which i miss so much Mrs Stine if your reading, and some fried bananas. Nuce snack but not enough fuel for the night that would ensue.

The dyanmic of the rest of the evening went as such, Matt & Georgia entertaining each other while secretly wanting to just makeout. Yelling, Arguing, Reminising, Critisising, Wanking, Analysing, Lots of Laughing, with the occasional remark, agreeance or opinion from Jesse. The place was cool, people dancing on tables, tons of pools tables, and expensive drinks, smack dab in a huge mall. After closing that palce out, they decide they couldnt leave each other just yet.

So we drove around to what seemed like every club in town but they were all closed. So ends our adventure with Georgia, but sure as hell not Matts constant rambling of her. If only I hadnt said anything about her meeting up with us. Who knows maybe she will ? Yes or No ? Georgia thats a direct question to you!! Unfourntualty our flight was at 8:55 AM and we had to leave the hotel only a few hours after we arrived home. Another one of those crazy travel days. We sat in the airport for way too long unitl our plane arrived, I think it was late as well. I ate a doughnut bought a Rolling Stone. Matt slept on the Plane. I didnt sleep this time, but I thought about eating his food. Next up Singapore, Little India, Peter, Malaysia, Thailand, Me missing Naomi etc.
Hi Jesse,
Thanks for the colourful entry and thanks for leaving those disgusting photo's that I took of myself out. Sadly I won't be able to make it over- way too much work and way too little time. I only have two weeks left in Jakarta and need to make the most of it. Sorry (although I am more than sure you are breathing a sigh or relief) Im sure you don't want to endure another round of Matt & Georgia where I am sure to once more bring up the fact he ruined my christmas-still pretty sore about that one. This is the first time I have ever heard about blogspots, and I am a total addict. I check the site every 2nd day for an update of your adventures, and am only disappointed if there are no new entries. Take care, and keep up the good work. If you need contacts or anything in Vietnam let me know (if you are going there- can't remember).
Hi Jesse,
Very interesting blog, and we have been to some of the places you have been to. Were drinking beer or smoking but sure had a good time. Looking forward to seeing you-get home,
Love you and miss you,
Certaining nice reading your trip comments. Love you hope to see you soon. Love Grandpa
Hi Jesse,
Great reading. Be sure to bring home some Cuban Cohiba cigars.
See you soon,
Uncle Bob
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