Indie rockers are assholes. Pomona got a little bit of beauty tonight. And I don't mean all the pretty little indie rock boys & girls, but from
Do Make Say Think as they graced the stage at the Glass House to perform a interesting romp into the endless oblivion. Climax after climax, all leading to tiny noises from big speakers and roaring drumbeats made few heads bop with even fewer bodies joining. An eight piece band, with two drummers each playing separately yet amazingly in sync and a barrage of melodians, horns, synths and strings they would crush noises into the slightest droplet and then force a bucket down your throat. As i finished grading some papers and extinguished my smoke, two kids ran into the venue screaming "lets trash this place". For some reason they also decided 10 minutes later that i wanted to join them and proceeded to explain how we were going to start the pit and trash the place. Quite obviously, they thought a punk show was in progress, yet were soon to find out they were in for something a little different. Besides their mindless banter throughout the night, which caused the band to either fuck-up or start laughing at points, it was a stellar experience. The kids from Canada know how to make some noise. - Over and Out - Z
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