English ! Then Back to Bahasa Unfinished

Arrving in Singapore was a shock to the system. Clean, Easy, Expensive, Toilets with Paper! Not to metion we were running on no sleep. As we entered the Airport we asked around for internet acess in broken english and pointing," Umm, Do... you know ..internet ?" Worker replies " Oh yeah, there is free internet all over, the closet one is right next to the cafe over there" "Salemat..... umm THanks" We both say, coming to the realization that most people in Singapore speak English. No more Bahasa till Malaysia. We rush over to the free internet. Free internet, hell it even costs money at LAX, ONT, SF etc. I like this place. Im looking specifically for an email from Peter,

my cousin Jessicas (Yescas) boyfriend. Hes had also been traveling around Indonesia, but on a boat. According to his, last email he was to be in Singapore the day before and we were to meet up with him. But alas, as always with Peter, things never go as planned. THe new email informned me that he had a little trouble with immigration and was going to be detained. He apperantly was detained but then he wooed the guards so much he ended up partying with them and playing music for them at asome event. Soooo to make a long story short he was to arrive two days later. As for us we headed straight to the Little India district of Singapore. The public transport in Singapore is excellent so we arrived in no time via the MRT. As we ascended from the subway into the light we were overwhelmed with, well Indian people. Lots of them, and Indian resturaunts everywhere. More on those later. We ended up staying in some backpackers hostel called "Price of Wales" for 16$S a night for a dorm bed.

Live music, free beer at checkin. Not Bad. Mind you we were both quite spacey from the night before in Jakarta, so Matt passed out and i did the blog thing. Of course before passing out we had our first taste of bliss. Famous Curry, had a veggie plate for 2.50 S$. Expensive housing, but dirt cheap food. I dont think i used utensils in Little India at all.(My hands smelled like curry for a week)The area was bustling and booming for it was Friday night and there was even a local band playing at our hostel bar. Dinner found us eating even more good food at a vegetarian restaruant. Walkled around took a really cool picture of a mosque (blue pic) and came back to drink our free beer and listen to local Singapore bands play Iggy Popish music while dressed like Bootsy COllins. After that fell asleep to the abrasive sounds of house music.
The next morning I remembered what happend when you eat Indian food all the time. You go to the bathroom, alot. Hell at least the bathrooms are clean in Sinagpore! After wandering the most sterile market ive ever seem, we decide to go get some new books and try to find an Apple store so i could put more music on my Ipod.

Oh wait this is Singapore, laws actually matter here. We did find a really cool place for sunset viewing at the top of the Mnadarin Hotel. Of course you have to be dressed nice to get in, but they let us look at least. Back to home base, found the dream food. Onion Rava Masala. Best food ever, a huge thin doughy onion and pepper pancake filled with potato and veggie curry. Mmmmm im drooling just thinking about it. Shoulda got a pic of that. Whoops. That night we were'nt so lucky, we wandered all the way to a bar area (CHJIMES)that was really expensive and completly dead. I thought about having a drink, but Matt couldnt cover the 12S$ for a beer. Oh well. Back to crappy music at the Price of Wales.

Day 3 in Singapore. The Plan: Got to Botanical Gardens, Eat in Chintatown and Pick up Peter at the airport. Botanical Gardens didnt happen, but the bus ride trying to find it was cool. Food in Chinatown, was good but not worth the money. Definelty sticking to Indian food, regardless of the consequences. Being way too early we ended up sitting at the airport, with Matt hoping Peter would want to leave this money trap as soon as possible. Enter Peter. Super stoked to see the guy and was super stoked to see him go. The next three days were excellent. Peter arrived we all went to back to the Hostel. Drinks, more Masala, shots even. Good stories, good coversations , good times. Hell we even wandeered around Little India drinkng beers. Matt even pissed on the sidewalk. I wonder what the fine for that is ???.....Good night overall, but that damn Tiger beer is the worst beer ive had so far. ....

Day 4. . The Plan:

To leave Singapore with Peter and head to Tioman Island in Malysia. We showered, shit and shaved (not me)as they say and packed up to leave. We head over to the bus station and to our suprise there was no bus directly to Tioman, at least not until tommorow. Hmmm. One more day in SIngapore.

Matt stares at the ground and shuffles feet, looking for anything but another night in Singapore. . Peter jumps in to say, "Ill pay for your room." Okay. One more night, we leave tommorow. Back to the same hostel, no free beer this time though and really, really bad live music. Highlight of the day: Back to the Mandarin Hotel for Sunset drinks. Killer View.
The next day we woke up too late and had to take a seires of buses rather than the original direct bus. One hour ride out of Singapore to the border where, of course, Peter had more Immigration problems (Read: Losing departure card). Bus drops us off at the first town in Malaysia. Back to the bombardment. Back to the Bahasa. We hire a taxi to take us to the bus station and prepare for the two hour ride. Of course we had to wait two hours for the ride. Chilling in another bus station, but this one had decent juice and some old Indonesian black and white films playing in the background. Four hours later, another town, another travel agency makes all our plans for us. Two nights, and our roundtrip tickets for the trip.

We all walk down there and Peter jumps right in. Matt soon follows but is way to drunk to get up the way Peter ahd been going so they end up climbing up some guys boat. Funny. Then they try to throw me in. Bad move on their part. Cause thats where I had enough and went back to pass out. I did, until Matt showed up to pass out too. Then not 5 mintues later Peter storms in the room and literally drags Matt out of bed in his underwear and they mossey off drunkenley together for more fun. Apperantly when they showed up at their final destination Matt announced something like " Hey everybody im in my underwear" To which a large girl said "Have a drink". Hes lucky Peter was there to watch out for him.
The next morning Peter was supposed to leave at 8AM, but as one could guess with his luck, he woke up around 10. Rummaged around screaming looking for his money belt until he realized it was in the pocket where "he never puts anything". Smooth. Back to same spot for breakfast and back to the peir. I actually jumped off this time. (Sidenote: Most people who know me know that i hate getting my hair wet late at night, hence my not jumping of the pier, very girly i know but hey, piss off) Good times overall, and the rest of the day was spent lounging on the beach. I probably would have stayed a few more days on Tioman but the only ATM was two boaty stops down and the ride was about 15 or 20 & to get there and the exchange rate was outrageuous. So wwe deceide to head for Kuala Lumpor. Another big city. Good thing too, cause the next day it started to rain really hard. The boat ride home you couldnt even see out the front window. Arrived to the dock and were rushed to the bus station by some tout, he even took us to the ATM so we could buy tickets form him , nice guy..... Next Up K.L
You have a beard now-that's soo hot!
I Love & miss you.
oh yes jesse, you DO look so hot with your beard. those are great stories, and i was glad to hear your side of the peter stories. i can't believe he let you pass out. you were lucky. when peter wants to party, we all gotta party. we
went to the tomatofest yesterday, and i got entirely too smashed, but i didn't trip on nothing and tear up my face again this year. so, yeah, i'm back. and have to get a job. it blows.
Who is this guy?
Miss ya jesse, that was pretty fun huh? Hey check out the lineup for vegoose festival over halloween.
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