Friday, April 28, 2006

Collectivtity (?)

I often wonder just what I'm doing, specifically in a job that I have so many damn issues with. Just when complete apathy is about to take over something happens, I realize all the bullshit eventually leads to a small, positive change in some, if it wasn't for me doing what I do the collective experience of all involved would be, well, that much worse. The only reason for this? Has to be you. Thanks to all of you who have aided in making OUR collective experience a better one. - Z

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Hey Matt...

While in Malaysia, my friend Matt and I watched a number of movies, all rated "R" and fairly sexually graphic. During many of those movies the owners of the place would step into the shared room, often during these parts. Their intense curiosity and disgust makes a little more sense after reading this recent BBC article:

TV censure

Local television channels reflect this (conservatism)by censoring kissing so viewers are left to fill in the gaps when characters about to embrace suddenly appear in different parts of the room looking shocked or emotional for no apparent reason.

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