LBC to SFO to LAX to BKK

Hectic. Life is right now, but all worth it. Ive been teaching way too many classes, doing way to many extracurricular activities and bitching/stressing way too much. Alas it will all be over soon, after a stellar (hopefully) weekend in the Bay Area, riding bikes with the crew, and eating way too much vegan food I'll finish my last couple of days until at SJVC. Sad as ill be to leave a good bunch of students mid class, my sanity is more important. Next Tuesday I'll eat some "candy" and head down to LAX to jump ship to Taipei for a few hours until my final destination of Bangkok.
Upon arrival Matt should be waiting, gear in hand, as we hop a bus to the north awaiting what should be an interesting festival involving water and lots of it. I plan on drenching myself in the water and washing off the sins of the States to begin a new set in the South. This trip has no order much like the classes I teach. Controlled chaos, an environment in which I thrive. I plan on stepping in and crawling out. Until next time - Z
You made it out! Cool...
Peace & Love Mr. Zmon
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