Friday, June 29, 2007

Once upon a time

Los Angeles had the largest public transportation system in the world. Now we have lots of Freeways & SUV's ........Click for a better view ..

Monday, June 11, 2007

Before & After

Im out now and walking slowly.
The only reason someone found
my glasses was the glow sticks
I had wrapped around them.
The bottom pic is actually my last
day in the hospital and im trying to
look pathetic as possible.
I still miss my bike.....

This is where I get it from .....

Grandma and Grandpa on bikes. They've been married 65 years as of today . I can't imagine 65 years of anything, but they're still rockin. Congrats G&G!

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Owww. It hurts to type, even with one finger. Its funny the last time I was in a hospital was in Cambodia where I walked past hundreds of mothers and their children waiting on the ground for help. Some may have traveled hundreds of miles by foot, tractor, or moto to receive treatment. But today as i was sponge bathing myself and about to put my gown my on I couldn't help but notice one thing: Made in Cambodia.
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