Where do I start? Life has been a blur recently: my accident, compounded with my fathers death add a dash of getting into Columbia, start work suddenly, prepare to move to New York by January, learn a new language, mix well and serve cold. Daily, I feel like pouring my heart out to the ether but the countless other things demand my attention first. Soon enough my time will be consumed with my own work and not others........
Besides the obvious factors, that may or may not have an effect on my rising blood pressure, life has been looking up. Going back to work means not being lazy and broke and furthermore I got a new bike (con brake). I even meet some new friends in Rancho that don't mind following me up hills. The rides in LA are still just as fun as ever, even without the alcohol, and I've had some great trips up north. Case In Point: Last weekend my mother, friend Zach, and I drove up north for the Tomato Fest in Carmel Valley. We rolled down to Big Sur for a hike and got to cut 350 different kinds of organic tomatoes. After cutting them we got to run around and drink expensive wine while laughing at really rich people who actually paid to get in. Afterwards we got to barter for kind wine, oils and vinegars, overall a pretty good day. Getting to see the family and Naomi only made things that much better. So, to any would be readers, that's life.
One last thing.. Every time I think of my father, I smile.
Peace and Love - Z