Tropical paradise, beautiful beaches and palm trees swaying in the breeze. These are the images that most people think of when they imagine Hawaii. The Islands have and always will be those things along with much, much more, but today the Big Island is something different. It is the resting place for my Grandfather. After a week long gradual descent he finally went to sleep. From his 800 hundred steps in the pool to the 8 steps to the lanai, even in the end he held his dignity, never needing help and all the while maintaining a clear and active mind.
Last night he called me into his room and told me "Jesse, I think I'm gonna fade out". We exchanged the usual banter about his pills and comfort eventually saying our "I love you's".

Like he had to say it. He knew his time was fading fast but he was still trying to hold on for his youngest son to arrive today. My Grandma turned on my light this morning around 6:00AM with tears in her eyes asking "Jesse, can you see if he's breathing." I ran down the stairs to find him in the same position as he was the night before, peaceful with a slight smile. He was cold and the rigermortis was slowly setting in. I knew before I went down the stairs he would'nt be, but what's life without a little hope. Grandma's tears increased as she went to get her only daughter, my mother, and the rest of the family. He lay there eyes closed, surrounded by his loved ones with a beautiful view of the pacific. I don't think anyone could ask for a better or more peaceful way to go. His 90 years were filled with many adventures and he touched countless people with his kindness and caring heart. He was all that embodied love, emanating from every ounce of his being. Now his love isn't contained by his vessel but spread throughout the ether just as his vessel will soon be one with the sea. I love you grandpa.
Allen "Big Al" Simms10/15/1917 - 11/02/2007