Malaysia: More or Less. ....

Thailand is amazing! Did I alreaady say that? Im currently sitting in yet another shitty internet cafe on the infamous Koh San Road in Bangkok. The last three nights have been complete saturation. The first night gawking at the GO-GO bars of Patpong , while the last two nights were spent wandering up and down Koh San Road, beer in hand. Interesting times, hell i even got frisked by the police one night! But alas, thats another story, youll have to wait to hear about that one.
Okay, so last i wrote, i was boarding a bus to Kuala Lumpor. Of course the bus was leaving but we had to wait for some lagging girls to get on. Well it turns out that those girls just happen to be the girls that Matt had partied with a few nights earlier. Im his underwear at four in the morning on Tioman! So of course the conversation begins and lasts most of the six-hour ride. Turns out two of the three worked for the JET program teaching english in Japan and lived on Kyushu. At the time i was planning on meeting Naomi's family there, so my talking dealt mostly with Japan:

Costs, trains, hotels, $$$, JET etc. It also turned out that one of them had been to Kuala Lumpor a few times and knew the town and places to stay. Sweet. Upon arrival we hitched a cab to thier recommended place, which turned out to be full. Drats. We eventually found one down the street and decide meet up for dinner later. Our place was really nice guesthouse., DVD player, A/C dorms, clean bath etc. Ken, the owner was awesome too, helping us out with everything. The only downfall was the that damn Sikh who though the owned the internet. I mentioned him in an earlier blog. That night we all wandered around, first for food , then for a decent bad. For the food we found a killer vegetarian Indian place where we were treated like royalty. (I think all the Indian men just liked the white girls!) We werent so lucky with the bar.

They were all very posh and very, very expensive. Being a Mulsim coutry drinking is about as popular as Goerge W. so they hike up the prices for those who disobey Allahs commands. Anyways, we wandered everywhere to no avail we finally split paths and went [back home to watch I <3 Huckabees. Much to Matts content.
The next day was all sight seeing. Had some horribble Indian food for breakfast and went to the Towers. Actually the mall first, then the towers. We didnt go up, because you have to arrive at like 7:00AM to get tickets and you only get to go to the bridge.

There was a really cool park n fornt of the towers with a huge mosque and fountian you could run around in on hot days. And damn it was hot, it felt so good putting my fewet in the water.... Next up the Communcations tower. Pretty expensive to get up, but a awesome view and informative audio tour of the city. On the way out theres a free show with singing and male and female dancers jumping around. Its cool for about 7 minutes, 10 tops. Exiting we saw a minutature Tower and we couldnt resist the photo op. We had been walking everywhere and were quite sick of it by now so we went back home, ate, grabbed a few beers and procceded to Chinatown. Crazy.

People wlak from far away pierced with huge needles and with stuff hanging from their bodies. Crazy. Then they walk up the 200 or so steps to get there. The caves themselves were pretty cool as was the taxi ride over with some guy who told us so many stories in the traffic; his kids, his job, his life, K.L etc. Upon arrival monkeys where everywhere fighting, fucking and eating the offerings in front of the crazy colorful Hindu dioramas. We just sat around a while and watched the mokeys fight. They are amazinigly entertaining. Back to the Guesthouse and off to Panang.

Panang was supposed to be another entertaining isalnd with decent beaches and a happening nightlife. Not so true, but we didnt venture very far either. We arrived in Panang after a series of actually helpful ordeals around 11:00PM. We missed our bus stop in Pannag and ended up on the mainland in Butterworth. Matts raging about the bus driver not telling us or letting us off, when someone tells us theres a ferry leaving every hour. Sweet. On the ferry we meet our first Americans, Californians even. Nice guys, Sam and Matt (?). According to them this was the ferry was the best way to town, not the stop we had missed. He was right as it turned out. Cause it dropped us off close to town. But they had an intersting story all their own. Apperently they were coming form Indonesia as well. they even stopped in Bandung where they were drugged and robbed. Yup, drugged and robbed! Apperently some people in their hotel invited them earlier that day for a birthday party., when they showed up later they drank for a while until one of them started to feel funny, he actually went and locked himself in their room, but when he woke up with a bad headache he saw his friend on the floor and everything of value was gone. Shitty story. I knew Bandung was a shady palce.

So we exit the ferry and they tell us of a cool palce, which we never found. After endless walking in the rain we found a shithole, and got more horrible Malaysian food. the next day we decided to check out the town. It was just another tourist city. Same-Same. Had no vibe at all. We changed hotels to a really nice place that played 80's music all the time which was cheaper and better. The only cool thing we did was take a taxi to Panang Hill. This is the beginning of an interesting story. So were at the top of this hill that took hours to get to by tram and Matt notices a guy with a Asian girl on his arm and a L.V. bag on the other. We chuckle "does L.V. make male handbags?" or something to that effect and comment on his "girlfriend". Well it turns out it was his girlfriend and his bag. He was from England, John B. and his girlfriend, Poam, he meet in Ko Samui were travling all over for a few months. They were really cool and friendly people telling us some good spots to go to in thailand. They were even cooler the next time we saw them , but once again thats another story. That night we went out but as with many night of going out, it wasnt that great at first. In fact we were sick off the bars and went for one last beer at a place palying oldies reall oud. There was only two other customers and they were "pissed". Putting on jackets and dancing around. We left when they played "Hit the Road Jack" about eight times. We got the hint. Nice tactic for closing a bar! As we left we met the owner, a young kid named Alex, who proceeded to show us a great time by kicking our asses at every bargame imagineable, while constantly telling Matt that "You like ladyboy!!". Good times with him at at least three diferent bars, until we finally called it a night. We deceide to leave the next day and head to Thailand.

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