En Route
Coffeeteamilkjuice.Coffeeteamilkjuice. That's been the mantra of the last fourteen hours en route. I'm in Taipei and it still hasn't hit yet, maybe the ganja candy is to blame. The last 96 hours have
been most excellent but as mentioned before super busy. San Francisco was stellar, as predicted, with most of my waking hours spent on my bike and ill'in with Naomi and the boys. We arrived at six in the morning drank a shitload of coffee and headed over to the city from Oaktown for what turned into a 25 + mile ride around the city. I've yet to figure out what's scarier, riding fixed in LA with the evil cars or battling the hills and stop signs in S.F. Time will only tell that one, either way not being on the bike for a month will be strange. Well time to read Chinese and find some vegan food, hopefully better than the slop on the plane. Until Thailand - Peace and Love - Z
So not vegan...

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