Saturday, February 23, 2008

Just in Case You Didn't Know...

Glad I don't live in Mid-town.....

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Its getting cold!! The snow finally decided to stick today after a few flurries and a t-shirt and shorts friendly day last weekend. So much for my bike ride tonight through the park. I think ill try the snow in the light before I try it when its even icier.



On another note.... This picture kinda freaks me out:

Friday, February 08, 2008


It's happening, I am finally settling in, my apartment is feeling like a home, my bike is here, I'm remembering the joys of learning and my vocabulary is slowly coming back. In other words, I'm digging the new life. Since school has started I really haven't been doing much besides reading, cooking, and studying. Although I have made it out to Hoboken a few times to chill with my friend Lindsay. I know, I live on Manhattan, and I go to Jersey on the weekend, seemingly sacrilege. The first time was interesting, we made the rounds of the countless bars within 100 yards of her home, the first few were utterly lame ranging form sports bars to insane Jersey meat markets until finally settling in on Maxwell's and realizing we should have gone there in the first place. On the bus ride home I sent a text to my friend Matt from Jersey with: Hoboboken, Jersey. His response was simply: Maxwells Brother, Maxwells. Should'a known.

Last weekend Lindsay's brother and English boyfriend James were visiting and we went out a few times, the first being to Jersey or a few drinks at Maxwell's again. The only reason I even mention this evening is that an extremely drunk individual reached over and grabbed nachos off of James plate. Now James is an extremly kind and charming individual, but his is also a rugby player and not little a pushover by any means. I'm just glad he has gotten over his fightin' days and handled things with a sensible charm , for it could have turned real ugly had that happened to any one else in the same circumstance. Interesting times nonetheless.

Last Monday I met them down at Columbus Center for a drink, which turned into multiple, primarily because, well, he's English. It was there one year annivesary and they had reservations at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse, so the plan was one drink and part ways for obvious reasons. Nope. We attempted to go to the Mandarin Oriental Bar on the 33rd floor for the view but the actual lounge with the view was all reserved. "Well just come have a drink at the Steakhouse bar", damn that english charm. So the vegan enters the steakhouse, drinks an Ameretto and Coke and then is beguiled from his own idea of a meal into sitting down while they eat. Server comes, they all order Filets of something. My turn:
"Umm... I'm the vegan at the steakhouse."

Server looks at me with an air of disbelief, "how on earth did they get you to come here"?

"The forced me, but is there anything I can possibly eat?" "Umm, well there is the salad but none of the dressings are vegan", with a grin.

"Not even the Balsamic Vinegarette? " "No, they put bacon oil in it.", as I slowly lose all hope of eating.

"But since we make everything here fresh, i'll hook you up with a salad, sans meat and dairy"
"And Bacon oil?" "And Bacon oil."

Hope is restored. All in All, it was an interesting salad as the presentation was excellent, but a little heavy on the mustard seed. Their plates were 500 dergrees and the meat was pink. Mine was cold and had little dabs of green and red purees on it. Apparently it was delicious, since they keep repeating that and offering me some. Lindsay ate most of her brothers steak as well. Needless to say after a short stoll through Times Square to the train I went home and ate. Mmm rice.

So those have been my recent excursions, although i have found new places and ways to relieve tension, the first being Central Park. Most importantly the 6 mile well-lit loop that is bliss on a bike at 11:00PM. Perfect when your eyes cant take the words blending together after hours of staring at the black and white. The second is ever closer than i could have ever hoped for, the bass guitar and amp in my living room and my roommate Pablo, who just happens to be an amazing drummer. We played last week with his other friend Jesse, who has an intense drive and passion but unfortunately has no musical knowledge of keys and scales. Turned out fairly well for the first time. It can only get better. Until next time - Peace and Love - Jesse

"The Perfect Meal"

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Sheldon Brown RIP

Sheldon Brown was "the man" when it came to information on fixed gears and bikes in general by way of the internet. If you goggled "fixed gear" he was always one of the first sites to pop up. Besides looking like strange, eccentric and a tad bit crazy, he obviously was. I mean that in the best way possible, eccentric to the bone. I spent hours upon hours digging through page after page of his comprehensive site, learning many things that not a bike store within 40 miles of my home could tell me. Hell, I even read his personal stories and countless bikes, about what movies he watched and even listened to some of his kids music. Even in his final days of struggling with MS he maintained his site and even took a few last rides. He was a veritable wealth of information and will be missed by most cyclists. Rock on Man- If were lucky his site will live on.

Monday, February 04, 2008


A young man was recently sentenced to death in Afghanistan for downloading. Not songs, not porn, not movies, but a report. A report critical of Afghan government's harsh treatment of women. He downloaded and distributed the report to other professors and students. Glad to know were spending billions of dollars to continue keeping the peace and spreading our good ol' notions of freedom.

Full Story from

Oh yeah and from the sounds of things, the Giants apparently just won the Super Bowl, my street is going crazy with grunts and hollers and other bro-ly noises. Whoopie.

Sunday, February 03, 2008


I finally got my bike !!... Today took my first ride in NYC. Started off mellow through Central Park and then down the river towards downtown. On the way back got a slice at Viva Herbal Natural Pizza in the village and charged the streets towards uptown. The streets were way better. Traffic is fun..
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