
I wish my Thursdays had the same meaning that my grandparents had. That's the night they would tell the kids to go to the movies, to a friends house or to bed basically anything that would allow them some free time so they could umm... well you know. Mine unfortunately consist of school from 9:00-12:00 and then locking myself in the 6th floor of the Butler library and attempting to write some sort of coherent response to 100's of pages of post modern blabber. I usually have yet to finish the readings because Japanese is kicking my ass and that seems to consume my hours when I'm not reading about certain "isms". So after much procrastination by way of "what should I cook to distract myself from work" I'm generally locked in until 6:00 or 6:30 pumping out the gibberish. Although, last Thursday I was surprisingly ahead of myself and had the pleasure of a leisurely ride through Central Park. It seems that around 6:00 or 7:00 massive amounts of joggers swarm the park. Not individual joggers but large groups. I saw at least 4 or 5 groups of 20+ people charging and swerving in front of me. Craziness, not to mention the other countless groups of 5-10 people. Did i mention it was 20ish that night? Hell, it was a "light wintery mix" the next day, which by the way is nothing like the pleasant name would imply. Its snow that doesn't stick and freezing rain, in other words wet and really cold. Fun. At least the weekends have been making up for the extremely intense weeks. Ive spent more time in K-town than is healthy, been to some upscale yuppie joints, seen 5AM a few times, meet some interesting new people and for some reason yet to go out in Brooklyn. Somethings wrong with that picture. - Until next time - Peace and Love - Z

I want a Thursday nite w/ you!
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