Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Sun n' shade

Well I'm still here. Paradise as some say. Its pretty damn hot on the beach and people seem to think that's getting suntan(burned) is fun. Its pretty funny to watch. My whole family sat on the beach for hours baking in the mid-day sun while I rested in the shade smokin a spliff. I got stoned, they got burned. Oh well nothin a little aloe cant fix.
Wiamea is always one my favorite places to visit, uncle bob lives up there with his beautiful wife Marcia. His house just gets cooler and cooler every time we visit, and the weather up there is perfect, hot in the day cool at night. A sweatshirt in Hawaii most people say. Yup its fairly chilly. Reminds me of the time me and my buddy Ben hitched a ride to upcountry on Maui with a pakalolo farmer. She dropped us off with our bikes saying we could camp in the hills. As soon as the sun went down there was no sleep to be had. We ended up shivering until the first inkling of sun and haulin ass down haleakela to pleasant town of pi'ia for a killer lunch at mana's. (Best health food store ever!)

Anyways yesterday we went kayaking in kealekakua bay. Awesome. Everybody did pretty well except that I had my younger cousin with me both ways and they were better and getting in my way then actually paddling. Snorkeling over in the bay is beautiful. Tons of fish by the coral reef which drops sharply from 15 ft to 100's. Very nice. After that came sushi and lots of drinks, probably too many cause i was a tad groggy today and and my cousin Yesca threw - up! Haha. - Today is pure mellowness. takin care of all the shit I got to get done before I leave and before Naomi comes tomorrow. Yeah! - Peace out - Z

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Hawa'ii - - - -

Finally. It has begun. After hectic flight and lots of rain, its finally soaking in. The trip has officially started. Rain persisted for the first few days with random jaunt to the ocean, snorkling, and a never ending car ride to south point. Of course we only stayed for five minutes after the long journey down a 4WD road in a mini van of 9. That was entertaining to say the least. When the downpour finally subsided (when jessica & kel got here) the majority of the family got a communal burn. But the beach is good, family fun, & sun seductive - just like its supposed to be. More to come from this place. - Sunsets almost here and i gotta catch this one -- peace and love - Z

sprinkle o' sun

Posted by: mrzeta.
First sunset after days of rain !

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Woo Hoo - and they're off !

Well the last 2 weeks were great, chill'in with close friends for the last couple days. My last weekend in santa cruz was beautiful, the food, the weather, the mobo, the graduations, the family, and the freinds. (And the drunken carmel wine tasting) San Francisco and Concord were awesome, good food and good times, sad leaving but always will return. Beautiful dinner at millenium to end a excellent weekend.

The last week was way too hectic for my liking but again the last minute stops to school and the local Rancho spots were entertaining to say the least. The mission with josh and zack to Diamond bar and Chino will definetly live in infamy. Fuck sleeping on little couchs for 15 minute incriments for two hours!!!! Over all a good way to end the last few days on the mainland. Oh yeah big ups to sara for takin the movies back!!! - Until hawa'ii Peace & Love- The Z

Thursday, June 09, 2005


Man, maybe im bi polar or something. I just wrote about how much i cant wait to leave but as i sit here listneing to john lennon my mood switched. its not that today was great or anything, in fact it was pretty lame, but as i stare at the empty materials lab classroom im practicaly holding back the tears. Im really gonna miss this place and the students who were kind enough to share thier ears, hearts and minds with me. my reckless abandoment may have been a little chaotic at times (shit im crying now) but somehow they took it and went with it adn even pretended they enjoyed it ! For this and many other things i thank you all. i could name many of you by name, but you know damn well who you are, not just my students but beautiful wonderful human beings and most important friends. love and peace _ jesse bryce whiles (aka Mr. Z)

two days

Wow... im not a morning person but teaching the last two weeks in the morning has been quite fun. Teasing all the girls & guy about their "mean" teacher Miss Rainey (Newly annointed Mrs. Thomas) and their "hot" teacher Mr. Gomez has been a blast. They even made me blush with their outright flirtations and staring i had to stand behind the podium so i wouldnt be objectified. The morning classes have the thing i was bitching so much about in the last blog. Respect! Hopefully theyll email me (especially one, cant say who!) and maybe ill even send stuff to those who ask. If they're lucky. 2 more days teaching, and 10 more planning. oh shit. Until next time - So long and thanks for all the fish. - Z

Friday, June 03, 2005

Im in Class

Thank god ive only got four more days of this ... as much as i love them ... the disrespect and outright laziness really get to me. If this wasnt my last class i just might start being a dick. But hey, Mr Zeta, A dick... i ve got an image to uphold here. Im staring at the my two favorite students right now the barron sisters. I actually feel really bad for them, having to put up with the rest of the classes shit. They're always here on time, their work is impecabble and they're jsut plain nice. As for the rest of 'em, i love you/them all i just wish that you actually cared sometimes ....

- 18 days left in the continental United States. - Woohoo.

Next thursday should be the begginging of my series of drunken going away parties too - yeah.
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