Sun n' shade

Well I'm still here. Paradise as some say. Its pretty damn hot on the beach and people seem to think that's getting suntan(burned) is fun. Its pretty funny to watch. My whole family sat on the beach for hours baking in the mid-day sun while I rested in the shade smokin a spliff. I got stoned, they got burned. Oh well nothin a little aloe cant fix.
Wiamea is always one my favorite places to visit, uncle bob lives up there with his beautiful wife Marcia. His house just gets cooler and cooler every time we visit, and the weather up there is perfect, hot in the day cool at night. A sweatshirt in Hawaii most people say. Yup its fairly chilly. Reminds me of the time me and my buddy Ben hitched a ride to upcountry on Maui with a pakalolo farmer. She dropped us off with our bikes saying we could camp in the hills. As soon as the sun went down there was no sleep to be had. We ended up shivering until the first inkling of sun and haulin ass down haleakela to pleasant town of pi'ia for a killer lunch at mana's. (Best health food store ever!)

Anyways yesterday we went kayaking in kealekakua bay. Awesome. Everybody did pretty well except that I had my younger cousin with me both ways and they were better and getting in my way then actually paddling. Snorkeling over in the bay is beautiful. Tons of fish by the coral reef which drops sharply from 15 ft to 100's. Very nice. After that came sushi and lots of drinks, probably too many cause i was a tad groggy today and and my cousin Yesca threw - up! Haha. - Today is pure mellowness. takin care of all the shit I got to get done before I leave and before Naomi comes tomorrow. Yeah! - Peace out - Z